Natuurkundige uitspanningen   Volume 1 (2)   Plate 7

TRESOAR Leeuwarden

Figure(s) Baster 1760DutchFrom Bennet & van Olivier
DutchMaitland 1876 Identification 2007DutchEnglish
1, 2, 3 Coralina Abietis forma Sertularia of Plantdier Op een Oesterschulp Sertularia abietina denneboomskorallijn; zeedenne Sertularia abietina. Lin. Abietinaria abietina Lin. 1 zeedennetje  
2 D         Clava parasitica. Gmel. Clava multicornis ForskÃ¥l 2 gewone knotspoliep club headed hydroid
2 E         Carchesium polypinum. Ehr. Protist colony, possibly Zoothamnium laomedeae 3 een klokdiertjes kolonie a colonial ciliate
4, 5 Eschara lapidescens Een steenachtige Eschara Schouwen, sloten van brak of zout water     Flustra crustulenta. Maitl. Einhornia crustulenta Pallas 1766 4 palingbrood a sea mat

In this second issue Basters writes that Linnaeus convinced him that corallines are plant-animals (zoophytes). Baster now developed an own interpretation of this theory. He states that the eggs of corallines are build up by a vegetable membrane surrounding the animal inner part. The vegetable part grows out to become a vegetable crust whereas the animal part develops inside. The animal part will form the flowers or polyps. Also this theory did not convince the scientific community.
His very just remarks that Linnaeus genus Corallina consisted merely of algae seems to be neglected.
A year later (1761) Baster published these observations in Philosophical Transactions.

1 Vervoort (1946, p. 237)
2 Vervoort (1946, p. 118)
3 Carchesium polypinum is a fresh water species
4 Baster was the first to recognize bryozoans as the originators of these growing stones (Cadée 2002).
Baster found this species in saline or brackish water on his island Schouwen. The species can still be found in Kaaskenswater close to Basters hometown Zierikzee. Bijma & Boekschoten (1985). In 1898 Maitland wrote a short paper about Basters Eschara lapidescens.




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Original legend by Baster




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